Monday, April 12, 2021

The Winterbourne Home for vengeance and valour by Ally Carter

The story is about a family called the Winterbourne's. They are a well known family who live in a big house. The family boat sinks and the Uncle is the only remaining member of family left who is trying to claim the families inheritance. Thrown in a orphanage run in the house he's trying to claim, secret tunnels and a ghost, or is it ? I absolutely loved reading this book, I really liked the characters and I loved the ideas in the story. I would rate this book 9/10 I can't wait to read the second one !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mabel, what a good job you're doing in reviewing children's literature. I wonder if you would be interested in reviewing a book for children younger than yourself called Pandemonium. Here's the blurb:

    Peta doesn’t look like other pandas in the toy department because of her purple coat. This provides camouflage and enables her to get up to mischief. When an assistant spots Peta this puts an end to her tricks. Peta must learn more about herself … but does this stop Peta’s fun? Of course not!

    Pan de mo nium is absolutely delightful! Peta the panda is stuffed full of fun and young ones will adore her.
    Wendy White, Tir na n-Og Award Winner

    The beautiful illustrations are full of movement and excitement, and the joyous story will appeal to young children and their parents.
    Liz Poulain, children’s author and illustrator

    You can also look at the opening pages here:

    If you would like a copy, do let me know by emailing


The Spellbound Tree - Mikki Lish and Kelly Ngai

This book is part of a series of The House on Hoarder Hill, which I often review and promote with my friends, family, school and online beca...