Monday, July 5, 2021

The Land of Stories, A Grimm warning By Chris Colfer

This is the third book in The Land of Stories book series, all about fairytale characters. This book is just as good as the other two books, following on from each one with the same and new characters, but a different story. If you enjoyed the first two you will definitely enjoy this book. Without giving anything away, as the book picks off from the ending of the previous book, the main characters are back in the land of stories. I would rate this book 8.5/10

Pop! By Mitch Johnson

This book is a great book. I really enjoyed it. It is exciting and you get really engrossed in the book. The book is about a fizzy drinks company and a girl called Queenie. When the world's beloved fizzy drinks receipe goes missing it is up to Queenie to save it, but the bad guys are after her and the company is all about money. How will Quennie survive against a polluted, all about money company. I would reccomend this book to any child aged 8+ and adult. I would r
ate this book 9/10 as it is exciting and I could see this becoming a movie.

The Spellbound Tree - Mikki Lish and Kelly Ngai

This book is part of a series of The House on Hoarder Hill, which I often review and promote with my friends, family, school and online beca...