Thursday, February 25, 2021

My book review- Summer Brook Spring besties #1

This book is about an eleven year old girl who has moved from London with her family to Australia. Dealing with a new country, farm and missing her friends she finds it hard, but ends up making friends with a girl and other locals. Swapping London city life for an Australian farm. I love the cover having glasses on the character but also talking about getting prescription sunglasses is amazing. If she goes swimming in the other books she may have prescription goggles too ! I really enjoyed this book and reading about Australia. I would give this book an 8/10

Thursday, February 18, 2021

My book review-Snow Foal

My favourite thing about being sent a book is that it lets me explore stories I wouldn't necessarily have read or heard about before. This book is about a little girl who is sent to live with a foster family as her mum isn't well. She doesn't want to live there and tries to leave. A lonely foal wins her heart and helps her to build up a friendship with another foster boy who can't speak. Will her mum get better and allow her to come home ? You will have to read to find out. I would give this book 8/10

My book review-Land of stories-The Enchantress Returns book 2

I loved reading the second land of stories. I really liked how it referred to the last book. The story is about Alex and Connor going to the land of stories to save their Mum. Alex and Connor set out on an incredible adventure about friends and family. I would give it an 8.5 out of 10

The Spellbound Tree - Mikki Lish and Kelly Ngai

This book is part of a series of The House on Hoarder Hill, which I often review and promote with my friends, family, school and online beca...