Tuesday, November 17, 2020

My book review-A Tale of Witchcraft By Chris Colfer - 2nd in the series

A tale of Witchcraft is an amazing book and I really enjoyed it as much as the first book, A Tale of Magic. I would recommend this book if you loved A Tale of Magic because it has all the same characters and continues the story. I loved all the magic and plot twists. If you are a fan of magic and adventure, this book is a great one to read alone or with the family. My mum, dad, 8 year old sister and Grandma have all read this book and they all loved it just as much as me ! Every time we stopped reading it on a night to go to bed, my sister and I would say, " We don't want to stop reading, what will happen next, please continue reading ! " This story covers mental health and is about the importance of support from friends and family. Brystal is feeling negative but can her friends help her, especially since a school of witchcraft has also just opened which can effect the fairies. I would give this book a 10 / 10 because I really enjoyed reading it and the plot twists are amazing ! I can't wait to find out more about the third book in this series and when it will be released.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

My book review-The Incredible Record smashers By Jenny Pearson

The Incredible Record Smashers is an amazing book because I like all of the action in it, its informative and funny. The way the story is written is brilliant with lots of things going on in the story and humour. I was so glad I got to review this book early, as Jenny Pearson is a brilliant author and I knew from the cover of this book it would be just as brilliant as her last book. I found it interesting talking about mental Health and learnt alot as I didn't know much about it before reading this book, I think it is a good thing to explain this through a book that isn't just a fact book and it is encorporated into the story well. We thought Wilbur was funny and my sister Arrietty refused to eat water melons after reading the book. Even though things didn't go to plan in the story, it worked out in the end and the story showed that friends are really important. I laughed out loud at the marriage proposal! I think the characters were great and I love that Lucy wears glasses in the story and glasses on the cover !Me and my sister both enjoyed reading this I would definitely recommend this book and would give the book a rating of 8.5/10. I would definitely read it if you enjoyed The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates.

My book review-The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates by Jenny Pearson

The super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates is a fabulous story about family and friendship, showing that family doesn't have to be people who you are related to, it is about people that you love. Freddie Yates is very funny and easy to read, meaning once you start you want to keep reading on. It makes you laugh and also have a tear in your eye when talking about death in a good way with Freddie's Grandma, with her funny stories. I spent a whole day reading this, only stopping for breakfast, lunch and tea. My 7 year old sister absolutely loved this book and laughed alot. Jennie has a great way of writing her stories. Freddie Yates is perfect for getting 7 year olds excited about reading as well as a 10 year old (me) and my mum. I have recommended this book to several relatives and friends and can not wait to review her next book. I would rate this book 9 / 10

The Spellbound Tree - Mikki Lish and Kelly Ngai

This book is part of a series of The House on Hoarder Hill, which I often review and promote with my friends, family, school and online beca...